About us
We are a lifestyle brand
At Junzicraft, we're on a mission to preserve antient craft technique existed since BC 1600 and honor our earth by maximizing usage of natual materials on fashion and homeware. We collaborate with artisans who are inheritors of intangible culturer heritage, and our business is to respect their perseverance on bamboo craft for more than 20-50 years and support them foster more young generations inherit the legacy of actient technique.
Artisans20 years+
Craft experience of most artisansBrand Story
Junzi (君子) is a Chinese term that translates to "superior individual". It embodies the ideal of moral character and integrity. Key attributes of a Junzi is virtue, benevolence, wisdom, propriety and integrity. Bamboo in China often is seen as a symbol of the qualities embodied by a Junzi,reflecting the Confusian ideal of virtuous person, and key paralles between Junzi and Bamboo: strength with flexibility, integrity and uprightness, simplicity and humility, inner virtue,and evergreen nature. Bamboo serves as a natural representation of the Junzi's virtues, making it a timeless symbol in Chinese culture.